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Facebook tests out Snapchat-like streaks feature

Facebook has on numerous occasions copied features from Snapchat both for its main app and its other properties (like Instagram and WhatsApp). That behaviour continues with the new feature the social network is trying out. This time, it’s copying the feature that has kept Snapchat users, particularly its teen user base, engaged: streaks. These streaks or having continues back and forth direct snaps with friends come with emoji rewards and have had Snapchat users obsessively trying to keep it going for as long as they can.

Facebook confirmed it’s testing this feature out in Messenger, complete with emoji-like icons and a counter that shows how long the streak is going. According to a spokesperson for Facebook, they are testing out the feature "to see at a glance fun facts about the people you message with. For example, a lightning bolt may appear next to the name of a person you've messaged with for at least three days in a row, and a counter will indicate how many consecutive days you've been chatting. We're interested to see if people enjoy this insight, but we don't have any additional information to share at this time." Now, whether this is something users would want, we can’t say. What we do know is this is Facebook’s way to keep users (hopefully) engaged.

Source: Mashable

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