iPhone X measures up nicely against $2,000 camera in 4k video tests

The camera crew at FStoppers pitted an iPhone X against the Panasonic GH5, a professional 4K camera that's used to shoot videos and photos. Mostly a video comparison test, the video above shows the iPhone X's considerable chops as it manages to meet and even surpass some of the GH5's videos in various conditions. iPhone X output seems punchier with more colour depth and the testers also noted they were impressed with the optical image stabilization on the iPhone X, specially in tracking shots.
Granted, the GH5 (which costs $2,000 for the body alone), does better in terms of bitrate and has more detail when your zoom in, FStoppers says that for most of the videos they make (some of which are commercial quality), the iPhone X or even older iPhone models are going to work just fine, provided the scenes are well lit. I've started to use the iPhone X more like a camera for a standalone camera review and find that it does take stunning and punchy photographs in most conditions. It's good to know the video aspect is also top notch.
Source: Daring Fireball
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