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Taylor Swift’s ‘Reputation’ reportedly won’t be available on streaming services on its first week

To say Taylor Swift’s relationship with streaming services is tenuous is an understatement. And it looks like that’s just going to continue. A new report from Bloomberg claims Reputation, the pop superstar’s fifth album, won’t be on any streaming services at least a week after it goes on sale. The die-hard fans who want to get their hands on the record will either need to buy it online or if you live in the US, through Target. Taylor Swift has openly criticized the music streaming service industry for devaluing music.

The move might also be prompted by the importance to Swift of getting to the top spot of the charts with physical and digital record sales, which is also seen as a more lucrative endeavor. It hasn’t really been outright confirmed by Swift’s camp and she could change her mind. But we won’t be surprised of the likelihood of this happening. 

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