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As interest for Pokemon Go wanes, Niantic looks to bring AR-enabled Harry Potter game

Niantic took mobile users by storm with Pokemon GO which brought the first real example of AR (augmented reality) to the masses. While that game became one of the biggest and most downloaded titles, interest from the general publick has been waning for some time now and the company is looking for the next big hit.

What's bigger the the Wizarding World of Harry Potter? 

"We're incredibly excited to announce this next step in the evolution of AR mobile entertainment. With Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, players that have been dreaming of becoming real life Wizards will finally get the chance to experience J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World. Players will learn spells, explore their real world neighborhoods and cities to discover & fight legendary beasts and team up with others to take down powerful enemies." Death eaters, Dementors, legendary wizards and witches are all going to be served up in muggle neighbourhoods as Niantic blends magic and high technology. The game is coming 2018.

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