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Square makes payment transaction easier with new tools

Late last month, financial services and mobile payment company Square has added two new features to make storing customer information easier and safer. One of the new features is called Customer Directory. What it does is it centralizes customer information into one service. It’ll help sellers keep track of important customer information and even learn more about their spending habits. And when you do need to keep track of their preferences, the information is easily within your reach.

Aside from that, Square is making the payment process more seamless with its new Card on File feature. Business owners who get the permission of their customers can store payment information to be included in the Customer Directory. So every time the stored payment information is charged, the process will be done much faster. Of course, customers will be notified when a seller has stored their card information. They will also receive an email when an item has been charged on their card. And it’s also the customer’s prerogative to unlink their cards through receipts at any time. 

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