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New LG G6 teasers put the focus on reliability and possible waterproofing feature

With Samsung pushing back the release of its latest flagship, we can’t stress enough how important it is for LG to take advantage of the opportunity. And the South Korean brand seems to be making the most of it with its latest round of teasers for the LG G6. Two new teasers focus on talking about reliability with the words “Reliability. Check, check, check.” Whether this takes a stab at the troubles Samsung has faced or even to address the own flaws of its units, it’s a good thing to focus on.

Another teaser has the words “Resist more. Under pressure.” If we are to surmise, this could point to water resistance. Perhaps we can expect full submersion to be possible with the G6. Now, whether they’ll take the IP68 rating that Samsung employs, we can’t say. We don’t have that much of a wait anyway as the phone will launch at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona this February 26.

Source: Android Authority

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