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HTC reportedly looking to create a new kind of mobile VR headset

A recent story from CNET claims HTC might be looking to develop a new virtual reality headset. According to the smartphone maker’s Chief Financial Officer Chialin Chang, the new headset might be built to work with its new flagship, the U Ultra. Chang wouldn’t say anything else about this device or possible release date. But it might be wise for HTC to develop a mobile-based VR as that has been picking up more quickly than PC-based systems. According to VentureBeat, Samsung has shipped over five million Gear VR units.

Chang says HTC intends to fill the gap between products like the Gear VR and PC-based systems like its own Vive system. HTC released its own statement following the interview with something that doesn’t quite seem like there will be a product coming anytime soon. “In a recent interview, Chialin Chang was referencing the idea that there are different ways to approach VR that span the full spectrum from truly mobile 360 to immersive room-scale like the Vive, and everything in between. As HTC, we’re better prepared than most companies to reach that full spectrum.”

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