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The V30 is looking to be LG’s flagship for 2017

The LG V20 is the predecessor of the rumoured V30

While LG is introducing the G6 in the coming days, it looks like that smartphone isn’t LG’s actual flagship for the year. Rumours are circulating that the upcoming V30 (successor to the V10 and V20) will actually be carrying that title. It’ll supposedly carry Qualcomm’s latest Snapdragon 835 processor, which the G6 doesn’t have as it’ll supposedly come with the Snapdragon 821. Aside from that the V30 will reportedly get 6GB of RAM, an improved Quad DAC, and dual cameras for both the front and back of the handset. But it’ll supposedly follow the timeline of the V series’ release, which means it comes out later in the year.  Of course, at the moment these are still rumours, but if this is true, it might be worth the wait.

Source: IBTimes

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