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Moto Mods hackathon in San Francisco produces more practical Mods

Lenovo has been hosting hackathons to help develop more useful Mods for its Moto line. At the recently concluded hackathon in San Francisco there were a lot of great and practical ideas we’d actually want to see as actual products on the market. The winning Mod was a solar-powered battery charger. But aside from that, there was a baby monitor with real-time notifications for things like room temperature, a mod for allowing diabetics to check their blood sugar, and even a breathalyzer Mod from a group of high school kids. Called ModCoholic, it’ll ask you if you want to grab a cab if you’re over the legal limit.

The winning teams at these events get to present their ideas at Motorola’s headquarters in Chicago to industry leaders like Lenovo Capital, who could invest and fund promising ideas. These hackathons are being held around the globe with the next one happening in Shenzhen, China by mid-March.

Source: Engadget

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