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Watching YouTube videos gets more social with Google’s Uptime app

Let’s get it out of the way first. This might be a Google product but it’s an iPhone product only at the moment. The newly launched Uptime social video app is the product of Google’s Area 120 startup incubator; which was set up last year to let Googlers be startup pioneers during their “20% time.” What Uptime does is it lets you watch YouTube videos with your friends at the same time, even if you aren’t in the same room. All you need to do is sign in with your Google account and connect to friends. From there, your avatars show how far you are into watching a video. You also get Facebook Live-like reaction emojis and written comments similar to how you see it in platforms like Soundcloud.

While there is no word yet if this’ll be making its way to Android or on the browser, it shows us what Google can bring into YouTube or the livestreaming sphere in the future. If you’re on iOS and love watching videos with friends, this might be worth trying out.

Source: Android Central

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