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You might soon be able to see Messenger and Instagram notifications on Facebook


Gordon Gottsegen/CNET

Facebook is trying to keep you within its main app as long as possible. The social network is testing out with some users the ability to see Facebook, Messenger, and Instagram notifications within the Facebook app itself. It’ll help lessen the time having to switch between the apps just to check if you have notifications. You’ll be able to see a circle icon at the top right corner of your newsfeed and when you tap on it, you’ll be able to switch between the three apps.

At the moment though, it isn’t available to all users. According to Facebook’s statement to CNET, they’re “conducting a very small test” for this specific feature so you may or may not be one of the lucky few who see this. If Facebook does decide to bring this to more users, is this something you’ve been waiting for them to do? 

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