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OnePlus introduces a referral program ahead of the OnePlus 5’s release


With the release of the OnePlus 5 just weeks away, OnePlus is taking a unique approach to capitalize on the launch of the new device. Instead of trying the catastrophic invite system during the launch of its first two devices, OnePlus opted to introduce a new referral program that is open to anyone who as bought or plans to buy a OnePlus smartphone. To be part of this program, you would need to make the purchase from OnePlus’ site. From there you’ll get a unique referral code that can be given to anyone who has plans on buying one of their devices. Your friend then gets a US$20 discount on accessories for the new device.

As a referrer, you will be awarded points to score some discounts within 30 days on OnePlus purchases. The current options include free standard shipping, a free “Never Settle” t-shirt, and discount on accessories. OnePlus promises to extend the rewards to phone purchase discounts in the future. 

Source: Android Central

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