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The Samsung Galaxy Note8’s most expensive option could cost over US$1,000

Much has been said about the Galaxy Note8. Some have already said it’ll cost over €1,000. And this new report from South Korean site Osen might be confirming these reports with claims that an unnamed Samsung Electronics official saying there will be two versions of the Galaxy Note8: 64GB and 128GB versions. And since the base version is tipped to cost around US$1,000 or $1,100 depending on the market, it would make sense that the 128GB model will be much more expensive. The high cost of Samsung’s newest phablet is attributed to prices of some components going up. The report doesn’t state which ones though.

The Galaxy Note8 will supposedly be launched in New York on August 26th. While this lines up with previous rumours, the report doesn’t really say if they’re just reiterating previous rumours or if the source confirmed this as the lunch date.

Source: BGR

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