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LG rumoured to be sole battery supplier for ‘iPhone 9’

Sure we’re still waiting for the ‘iPhone 8’ to come out but the rumour mill doesn’t stop. And this time we’re talking about the battery supplier of the next iPhone, which we shall just call iPhone 9 for continuity. A new report by Korea Economic Daily cites an unnamed source that says Apple has picked LG Chem as its exclusive battery supplier for the iPhone 9, which is expected to come out in the second half of 2018. LG Chem has supposedly invested “hundreds of billions” of won to have dedicated battery manufacturing facilities that’ll be up and running for full-scale product early next year.

The report claims the iPhone 9 will have a “bent” battery module or one that’s extended to one side at the bottom and form an “L” shape. This type of battery doesn’t just maximize space but is also meant to improve charging speeds and battery life. Apple has been using the standard rectangular “jelly roll” lithium-ion batteries for its iPhones since the beginning. Again these are all just rumours and it’s definitely a long way away before we hear anything official.

Source: Apple Insider

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