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There’s going to be a sequel to ‘Evil Genius’

If you were a fan of the 2006 cult PC classic game Evil Genius, you’re going to like this newest announcement from Rebellion, the game developer behind the Sniper Elite series. The company’s CEO Jason Kingsley announced that Evil Genius 2 is in the works. And he claims the game isn’t just a remaster of the original game but a “fully-fledged sequel.” Kingsley was quick to point out that it won’t be a free-to-play game.

Rebellion acquired the rights to Evil Genius after its developer Elixir Studios shutdown. The game developer tried to bring it back a few years ago as a free-to-play Facebook game but it wasn’t well-received. Evil Genius is a base-management-style game where you have AI-powered minions to manage and defend your base against the good guys. Your end goal is to build a doomsday device to blackmail the entire planet.

Source: Kotaku

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