Google Trends reveals most searched jokes on International Tell A Joke Day

"Amaze-ing Laughter" sculptures in Vancouver by artist Yue Min Jun. Photo credit: Sonya Davidson
We've learned that August 16th is International Tell A Joke Day and while we're trying to remember a few good punch lines, we've taking to Google Trends to find out what's funny for Canadians. Are Canadians funny? You bet! We love a good laugh and we don't need Google data to know that Canadians have a good sense of humour! Is it because of the unpredictable weather and the change of seasons? Who knows!
Apparently "Tell a Joke Day" has been celebrated worlwide since jokes began. According to that goes wayyyy back to 1900 BC and apparently it was a fart joke.
So, what are the most searched types of jokes per province in 2017 according to Google Trends?
- Yukon: Science Jokes
- NWT: Your Mama Jokes
- Nunavut: Funny Jokes
- BC: Harry Potter Jokes
- Alberta: Dad Jokes
- Sask: Dark Jokes
- Manitoba: Your Mama Jokes
- Ontario: Funny Jokes
- Quebec: Corny Jokes
- New Brunswick: Chuck Norris Jokes
- Nova Scotia: Fish Jokes
- PEI: Dad Jokes
- Newfoundland & Labrador: Pun Jokes
Who's got a good one to share?
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