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The Vision Mercedes-Maybach 6 EV concept is a love letter to open-air motoring

The Vision Mercedes-Maybach 6, revealed recently at Pebble Beach, is an audacious and lavish two-seater open top cabriolet. It is 19 feet long, features a 750 horsepower electric engine with a proposed 200 mile range and it can presumably charge to 60 mile range in mere minutes with the right supercharger.

Mercedes is merging the practicality and inevitability of EV powerplant but on a nostalgic platform that's all about the joy of driving in an open-air soft top cabriolet. While it is unlikely that the Vision Mercedes-Maybach 6 will go into production, many will applaud the application of EV technology on platform that's all about performance the exhiliration of pure motoring.

Source: AutoBlog

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