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Dyson engineers take on Global Rapid Development Challenge

Dyson sent over a press release asking the question: “What can be achieved in just 24-hours when you set Dyson engineers on a rapid development challenge?” A lot, apparently. Two hundred Dyson hardware, mechanical, software, and electronics engineers from the UK and Singapore had to team up to design and build an intelligent machine that follows one of the themes: The Connected Home, Gamification of Dyson Products, and Accessibility through Usability. They had to accomplish this within 24 hours. And with that short amount of time, the participants on average were only able to sleep for two hours during the event, they wrote over 6,000 lines of code, and downed over 500 energy drinks and coffee.

The winning group came from the UK. They modified a Jake Dyson CSYS task light by augmenting its motors drive mechanism and hooking these up to an Arduino electronics board. With computer programming it transfers data to the light and having the machine draw highly detailed images. As you see at the end of the video above, it shows the machine drawing a portrait of Jake Dyson himself.

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