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HBO data breach goes beyond ‘Game of Thrones’ episodes, includes internal documents


In terms of quantity, the recent HBO hack might seem infinitely smaller than the one Sony experienced back in 2014 but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a big deal. We’ve gotten new details about the hack and found that the hackers didn’t just get Game of Thrones episodes and spoilers but they’ve gotten their hands on thousands of internal company documents, too. The hackers first contacted the media claiming that they got some upcoming GoT episodes as well as episodes of shows like Ballers, Insecure, and Room 104. They also supposedly got their hands on Bill Haders’ Barry comedy series, which isn’t expected to air until next year. But in the first information dump, it showed that they also had personal information of a senior HBO executive, including access credentials for online services. The hackers say they’ve gotten 1.5 terabytes of data from the company and they plan to release more information in batches. A formal DMCA takedown notice has already been supplied to Google by security contractors IP Echelon. The move is standard procedure when HBO wants the search giant to take down links to leaked materials.

Source: Variety

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