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Microsoft's Outlook.com in now in public beta

Microsoft has released their new Outlook.com web-based email and scheduling cloud app as a public beta. This is the company's opt-in program that lets users get early access to new features on the web. Think of it as a temporary Insider Preview program for Outlook.com.

“Today we’re launching the Outlook.com beta, an opt-in web experience where you can try out our newest product innovations,” Microsoft explains. “Recent advances in programming, design, and artificial intelligence have enabled our engineers and designers to improve the Outlook.com web experience in several areas, and we’re eager to get your feedback.”

Features include a new design focused on efficiency and personalization, smart proactive features. Quick Suggestions appear as you type so you can easily add information about restaurants, flights, or your favorite sports teams’ schedules to your email. Outlook.com users interested in trying the new features can click the “Try the beta” toggle in the Outlook.com web experience.

Source: Thurott.com

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