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Stress Management Program at Dalewood Health Clinic

Manage Stress to Live a Better and Happier Life

Many Canadians are faced with numerous stressful situations throughout the year and do not adequately know how to deal and cope with this in their everyday routine. Whether it be challenges at work, school, financial or family matters, stress is a normal psychological reaction to the everyday problems we encounter. The qualified practitioners at Dalewood Health Clinic have creating several programs and tools to assist you in coping with everyday stress. As the causes of stress can vary from individual to individual, the qualified stress management coaches at Dalewood Health will provide a personalized management program customized for your lifestyle in order to provide you with the results you’re looking for. 

The Dalewood Health team will help you to identify your key stress factors, provide you with tools and activities to lower your stress response and deal correctly with these issues. Everyone’s goal should be to live a happier and healthier lifestyle. Whether your issues are weight management, stress management, fitness management or nutrition management, the certified practitioners at Dalewood Health Clinic are experienced in aiding individuals to identify their issues and reach their personal life goals.

What is stress?

Stress is a state of mental or emotional tension or strain resulting from a demanding circumstance or circumstances. Strain, pressure, tension, anxiety are all different forms of stress. Stress can be caused by any different circumstance and can affect people differently. Whether it is the traffic on your way to work, a stressful work meeting, picking up your kids on time or simply taking on the stress and burdens of loved ones, no two people will deal with stress the same way and it is easy to simply brush these things aside. Untreated, different everyday stress will begin to add up and accumulate making it hard for your body and nervous system to calm itself and reboot. If your everyday stress levels go untreated, chronic stress could lead to serious health conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, high blood pressure, muscle pain, headaches and lead to a weakened immune system.

You are not alone in experiencing stress and do not have to deal with it alone. The Dalewood Health Clinic offers a variety of Stress Management Programs which are all customized and personalized for you depending on your current life situation and stress factors. If you experience any of the following affects, it is time to reach out to the Dalewood Health Clinic!

List of Negative affects Stress can have on your body

-        Fast breathing

-        Increased heart rate

-        Stiff or tight neck and shoulder pain

-        Back pain

-        Upset stomach, nausea or diarrhea

-        Headaches or migraines

-        Skin problems such as acne or psoriasis

-        Fertility issues

What is Stress Management?

Identifying you have an issue dealing with stress is the first step. The certified practitioners at Dalewood Health Centre will help identify the key stress factors in your life and provide techniques and therapies that will be aimed to controlling your personal stress levels with the ultimate goal of improving your everyday functioning; resulting in a healthier and happier lifestyle. Working with your Dalewood Health coach, together you will follow therapy to lessen the physical and emotional effects of everyday life pressure.

The professionals at Dalewood Clinic will help you map out what stresses you experience, when you experience them, how you feel when you encounter this stress and then depending on how you coped with this situation will determine the right form of dealing with this stress.

Stress Management Techniques can include:

-        Breathing exercises

-        Muscle relaxation

-        Meditation, Yoga and Tai Chi

-        Reading and writing

-        Taking time for you!

Why do we suggest Dalewood Health Clinic’s Stress Management Program?

With numerous Canadian locations, you will be able to find a certified Stress Management coach at any of their locations. Working with others directly in your own community to identify and work through your stress issues will allow you to have a local piece of mind and community support system. Dalewood Health Clinic’s certified coaches will provide you with the tools, support and therapies in order to provide a personalized path to recovery. Numerous therapies exist and the first step is meeting with a Dalewood Health Clinic Stress Management coach to identify your stress factors, map out your goals and set the journey to recovery in motion. Goals may include a weight loss program, fitness program, nutritional program and sleep program to ensure that your Dalewood Health Clinic coach sets all the correct wheels in motion. No one solution will eliminate stress completely from your life. However changing numerous lifestyle factors will help to contribute to correctly managing and dealing with stress in a healthy way in order to achieve optimum health and happiness.



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