LG masked the aperture of the pre-release V30s to try and control its narrative

Wanting to announce a product on their terms, LG did a bit of “creative subterfuge” as The Verge describes it by tinkering around with the phone’s aperture. The company deliberately misrepresented the aperture value of f/1.6 as f/1.7 to throw off any industrial espionage and particularly nosy fans who want to know the latest specs ahead of the release. This understandably had the people who got pre-release review units question whether the phone had an f/1.6 aperture value. LG after all did announce the feature a few weeks before the device was launched at IFA 2017. But the move was seen as LG taking control of sharing its own news instead of leaks beating them to the punch.
The company does want to reassure users that the V30 retail units will ship with an f/1.6 aperture. In a statement they say, “Before unveiling a new product, LG Electronics safeguards confidential and proprietary device information by masking the true values of important product specifications. Some preproduction preview sample devices recently distributed featured non-final software, which maintained masked information with regard to aperture. The LG V30 features an F1.6 aperture camera and glass lens, an industry leading innovation.”

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