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Duolingo to soon offer Korean and Klingon

According to the sign-up page for Korean for English speakers on Duolingo, there are—at the time this was written—216,343 people interested in taking Korean lessons on the language learning app. And it seems that time is almost here. Android Police reports that the course is finally launching. While we don’t see it in our app just yet, it’s best to keep your eye out for it. As expected, it follows the same style as other Duolingo courses with the use of associations, listening skills, and fun cards. There is a gamification aspect to the app to keep you coming back to polish your language skills.

On top of that, Trekkies better keep your eyes out for the launch of Klingon on the app as well. You can sign up to get notified here. The Klingon course is expected to on September 15th.

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