50th anniversary of Hot Wheels will be a feature attraction of the 2018 Canadian International AutoShow

The number one selling toy in the world is joining with the Canadian International AutoShow in presenting an explosion of activities to commemorate its 50th anniversary.
Developed by toy maker Mattel in 1968, Hot Wheels is one of the most iconic toys of all time making childhood — and adulthood — awesome for everyone.
The 50th anniversary of Hot Wheels will be a feature attraction of the 2018 AutoShow, being held Feb. 16-25 at the downtown Metro Toronto Convention Centre. While more than 1,000 conventionally powered cars and light trucks will be on display, the focus of this year’s show will be The New Movement. Manufacturers of 14 all-electric and hybrid vehicles will not only show them off but make them available for test drives.
There’s no doubt, however, that along with Art & the Automobile, Auto Exotica and Tuner Battlegrounds - AutoShow edition, the Hot Wheels anniversary will be a major attraction.
“Since 1968, we’ve made six billion cars that have contributed to the happiness of children and adults everywhere, and no doubt inspired the imaginations of today’s global automotive designers,” said Akram Sharkawy, Brand Communication Marketing Manager at Mattel, Inc. “It’s almost impossible to have grown up without Hot Wheels, and through our 50th anniversary celebrations, we’re aiming to fuel a new generation of fans and ignite, nurture, and celebrate their challenger spirit.”
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