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“The Darwin Project" launching to Open Beta this weekend with new interactivity features 

“The Darwin Project,” a Hunger Games-esque, battle-royale game built around audience participation, will enter its first open beta period this weekend (Jan 19-21) on Windows 10 PC. The beta will include two new features that take full advantage of the interactive functionality of streaming platforms like Mixer, and enable viewers to control the way the contest unfolds.

New interactive features include:

  • Stream hosts, called “Show Directors,” is the host and master who controls the arena with nuclear bombs, zone closures, gravity storms, and the power of their voice. He/She can queue and trigger various in-game events that viewers can vote on and influence, enabling the audience to shift the rules of engagement, or even the arena itself.
  • ex: The “Manhunt” power, viewers can collectively vote to select a Manhunt target. Once set, all match players are notified and incentivized to focus and eliminate the Manhunt target for extra points.

Join the open beta on Windows 10 PC, available through Steam, between January 19-21 to take part in the action as a contestant, and check out the new viewer integration on Mixer and other streaming platforms.

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