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Unnotification on Android means you don’t have to miss a notification you accidentally dismissed

There was a time you probably swiped away a notification on Android that you probably needed. And while Android offers its own notification log for you to recall what you lost, it’s a bit too complicated to access for everyday use. A free third-party app is here to help with your plight. Unnotification will ask you each time you dismiss a notification if you want to undo your action. And if this gets too tedious for you, the app will let you blacklist certain apps, so you won’t be constantly bugged by messages from it. Or you can remove these messages entirely and access the undo button by pulling down the Android Quick Settings menu.

You must know though that the app doesn’t pull the original notification but just a barebones copy of it with the information you dismissed. At least you’ll know what app to go to do what you need to. Unnotification only works with devices running Android 8.0 Oreo or up.

Source: Lifehacker

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