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Apple reportedly delaying iOS visual enhancements to focus on performance and stability

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

A report today says that Apple is foregoing a visual update to iOS to focus on performance and stability enhancements on stability and security. Apple's iOS hasn't had a major visual overhaul since 2013 with iOS 7.

A report from Axios states that Apple's engineers will focus on improving performance, battery life as well as security will receive attention over visual redesign and a new look. This includes delaying some interface features, new photo-taking features, photo editing and sharing features. The iPhones 8 and X are already superior cameras, delaying new features this year won't make an impact.

I think this is a great move. iOS 11 has been generally a good update when used with new devices but seems to show its cracks when running on older iPhones or iPads. This is a case where the plumbing and electrical systems require repair before Apple can consider adding a new facade and splash of fresh paint. 

We're at a point in technology, specially in smartphones, where the yearly upgrade cycle is staring to impact the quality and performance of devices. We've seen it with Samsung's ill-fated Note7 and its exploding batteries and now we're seeing it with iOS 10 and iOS 11 causing older iPhones to shut off prematurely or perform in a sub-optimal way.

The issue pertaining how iOS forcibly handicaps performance on older iOS devices (iPhone 6S, iPhone SE and earlier), is a black eye on Apple's software that affects the way millions of users use their phone, which needs to work reliably even if it isn't a brand spanking new device. Kudos to Apple for changing course and focusing on the unglamourous but necessary core technology that runs these devices.

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