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New Chromecast gets leaked after Best Buy accidentally sells a customer the new product

Well, we can now confirm that a new Chromecast is coming our way, too. Google has its upcoming fall hardware event on October 9th and while we know way too much about the Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL, we haven’t heard much about the other products we can expect. It’s not exactly a surprise that Google is updating the Chromecast now but it has been leaked in a surprising manner. Best Buy sold the unannounced device to a customer who just picked it up off the shelf. The customer, who goes by GroveStreetHomie on Reddit, took a photo of the device and recounts how it didn’t even show up in Best Buy’s system but the cashier rang it up under a listing for an older Chromecast. You can see the two products side by side above.  

Source: The Verge 

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