EA DICE will give ‘Battlefield V’ players free items at launch

After pushing back its release by about a month, EA DICE is rewarding Battlefield V players with a couple of free items when the game comes out on November 20th. Oskar Gabrielson, general manager of EA DICE, shared a video on Twitter announcing that when players log into the game, they will get an emblem and helmet to customize their characters. Both items have “SNAFU” imprinted on them with the A changed to look like an upside down V—which is taken from the game’s name.
Battlefield V was originally supposed to launch on October 19th but the developers pushed back the release to offer a more polished experience. EA DICE took feedback from players who took part in the closed alpha tests and those who played at event shows like E3 and Gamescom and wanted to improve on the game before it’s released. Battlefield V will come to the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and the PC.
Source: Comicbook.com
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