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It’s now easier create new files with Google Drive

A new trick coming to Google Drive will make it easier to create new docs, sheets, slides, and the like. You no longer have to head to Google Drive with these new shortcuts, which we think are quite a time-saver. But, of course, you’ll need to know what these are to get use out of them. And the great thing is you don’t even have to be on Chrome to type these shortcuts out. So, click on the link to see the complete list.

How to use the .new shortcut:

Google Docs: Type doc.new, docs.new, or document.new in the address bar to start a new document

Google Sheets: Type sheet.new, sheets.new, or spreadsheet.new to create a new spreadsheet on Google Sheets

Google Sites: If you want to create a free new website, type in site.new, sites.new, or website.new

Google Slides: Now, if you want to create a new sildeshow, type in slide.new, slides.new, or presentation.new

Google Forms: Type in form.new or forms.new to create a new form in Google Docs

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