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Report claims Samsung’s foldable phone could cost US$1,770, tipped for March 2019 launch

As expected, looks like Samsung’s folding smartphone is going to cost a pretty penny. A report from South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency claims to have the name, release date, and price of the foldable smartphone/tablet. It’s said to be called the Galaxy F and will be unveiled in March 2019, just a little after the Galaxy S10 launch. We’re supposed to see more of the device at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona at around the end of February, where Samsung is expected to show off the latest Galaxy S device. While the Galaxy S10 is expected to support 5G, this Galaxy F device won’t. Considered an exclusive device, it’ll supposedly command a price tag as high as US$1,770 (approx. CA$2,350). The price isn’t final yet but Samsung’s chief DJ Koh plans to ship a million of these devices in 2019.

Source: The Verge

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