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‘Fallout 76’ bug gives one player immortality, they’re now begging for death

There's an instant kill barrier at the fissure south of Whitespring but even this doesn't kill Brogadyn's character as you can see

A bug in Fallout 76 has granted one player immortality but now said player is hoping Bethesda kills of their character. Redditor Brogadyn took to the Fallout 76 subreddit to complain about the bug that’s made their character unkillable after hitting level 40. The character can even survive a nuke blast. Brogadyn said, “There is literally zero ways that she can die even if I wanted her to (which I very much do at this point.)” The game considers Brogadyn’s character as having zero health points or negative health points. It’ll occasionally get health back but when this drops, it doesn’t result to its death.

The bug happened around a week ago and now Brogadyn had to limit themselves to “more boring activities” because they don’t want this god mode to affect their exploration or have the PvP aspect ruined because of it. Their character is almost level 100 and has hit the limit, leaving Brogadyn to question their state. They said, “So what the heck am I supposed to do besides actually starting to make all content in the game trivial?”

Brogadyn tried to submit a ticket to Bethesda’s customer support but only got a stock reply suggesting they take a look at the status effects currently active on their character. Thankfully, Bethesda seems to have noticed the thread on the subreddit and has messaged Brogadyn to get more details. Here’s to hoping they get the answers they want.

Source: Eurogamer

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