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Study finds that female-led roles dominate box office

Looks like the myth that female-led movies aren’t going to do well is being debunked by this new study from the Creative Artists Agency and technology company Shift7. They found that films that had female leads earned more than those with male leads. They looked at 350 top box office films from 2014 to 2017 (105 led by women and 245 led by men). The study defines a “female” lead as the woman being listed first in the film’s official press materials. The movies were then divided by five budget levels: under $10 million; $10 million - $30 million; $30 million - $50 million; $50 million - $100 million; and over $100 million. Wonder Woman qualified as one of the top female-led movies during the survey timeframe, earning $821 million worldwide. These movies have also passed the Bechdel test, which stipulates that two female characters have a conversation about something other than a man.

"The truth is that seeing women and girls on screen is not only good for everyone—especially our children—it's also good entertainment and good business," actor Geena Davis, who founded and chairs the research organization the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media, said in a statement.

Source: CNET

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