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Bethesda will actually ship canvas bags for ‘Fallout 76’ Power Armor Edition buyers

Not as advertised, this was the bag Power Armor Edition buyers were getting

Buyers of the US $200 Power Armor Edition box for Fallout 76 were not happy when they received the bundle and found a rather cheaply-built nylon bag in place of what was promised to be a “West Tek Canvas Carrying Bag.” Last week, Bethesda tried to get back into the good graces of the players by giving them 500 atoms (in-game currency worth around US $5) to make up for it. But now it looks like they’re going to live up to their word. Bethesda announced on Twitter that it is “finalizing manufacturing plans for replacement canvas bags” and those who bought the Collector’s Edition should fill out a ticket by the end of January. The developer didn’t say when the bags will be shipping, but at the very least they’re living up to what was promised.

Source: Engadget

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