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OnePlus copies Xiaomi and pits OxygenOS against pure Android in Twitter poll, loses gracefully

Nothing beats pure Android experience, at least for a lot of users. Chinese company Xiaomi set to find out if its own MIUI 9 interface can beat out the pure Android One UI. Android One beat out MIUI 9 with the final result at 57% for Android One and the MIUI 9 getting 43%. While the results were expected, especially with Android fans wanting to get as close to stock Android as they can get, Xiaomi’s response was curious. The company deleted the poll three days after it put it up on February 7, perhaps out of shame for losing.

A couple of days after Xiaomi took down the poll, OnePlus seemed to have wanted to try the same thing out. The results were almost similar to Xiaomi’s with 58% leaning towards pure Android and 42% for OxygenOS. But OnePlus was a more gracious loser as evidenced by what happened after. The company’s CEO Carl Pei tweeted “Don’t delete this poll,” taking a jab perhaps at Xiaomi’s response to its results. The OnePlus employee who put up the poll even said they appreciated the response and that it “motivates” them to work on OxygenOS more.


Source: Android Authority

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