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Ava DuVernay will direct DC Comic’s ‘The New Gods’

Director Ava DuVernay continues to break the glass ceiling. Aside from being the first woman of color to direct a movie with over a US$100 million-dollar budget, she will now be the first woman of color to direct a major comic book movie. She has been tapped to helm The New Gods, an upcoming DC Comics movie based on comics by Jack Kirby. Its story focuses on all-powerful beings that live on two different planets—one resembling paradise while another like hell.

It can be considered a dream project for DuVernay as she was quoted on Twitter before admitting that Big Barda from the comics is her favorite superhero. When the news broke out she was directing the film, she tweeted the words, “‘Our dreams make us large.’ Thank you, #JackKirby.”

Source: Refinery29

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