Apple adding donations to its Earth Day recycling initiatives

Apple is adding a donation element to its recycling initiatives. The company announced that for every device received at Apple stores and through the Apple GiveBack program from now through April 30, the company will make a donation to the non-profit Conservation International.
As part of its ongoing recycling effort, the company also debuted Daisy, a robot that can more efficiently disassemble iPhone to recover valuable materials. Daisy can disassemble 200 iPhones an hour. Both Apple GiveBack and Daisy support Apple’s commitment to create a healthier planet through innovation — and help the company move a step closer to its goal of making its products using only recycled or renewable materials. Daisy received some criticism from Greenpeace who stress that the focus should be on repairability and upgradeability rather than recycling. Something that, while desireable, is impossible given the nature of how Apple's iPhones are built to be non-user serviceable.
“At Apple, we’re constantly working toward smart solutions to address climate change and conserve our planet’s precious resources,” said Lisa Jackson, Apple’s vice president of Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives. “In recognition of Earth Day, we are making it as simple as possible for our customers to recycle devices and do something good for the planet through Apple GiveBack. We’re also thrilled to introduce Daisy to the world, as she represents what’s possible when innovation and conservation meet.”
Through Apple GiveBack, customers will be able to turn in their devices at any Apple Store or through to be recycled or traded in. For each Apple device received today through April 30, Apple will make a donation to Conservation International to support its efforts to preserve and protect the environment.* Eligible devices will receive credit that customers can use toward an in-store purchase or put on an Apple Store Gift Card for future use.*
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