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Car-sharing service Car2Go ceases service in Toronto over prohibitive parking regulations

Car2Go is considered one of the most recognizable and popular car sharing services which has allowed many Canadians to get by without owning a car, which can be expensive in a city like Toronto where most of the parking spaces have been converted into high-rise condos.

Car2Go, which has 80,000 customers in Toronto, announced it is shutting down operations in the downtown core due to what it calls prohibitive parking permit fees. The familiar blue and white SmartCar vehicles will soon disappear from 350 parking spaces in Toronto.

"City councillors have passed a heavily restricted pilot that ultimately weakens mobility options for Torontonians," said Car2go North America chief executive Paul DeLong in the release. The said parking permit fees of about $1,500 per vehicle "unprecedented."A report from CBC says that 2017, the company was ticketed for 42,595 infractions, which amounts to more than $1 million in fines.

Car sharing services and solutions offer an innovative and affordable way for people to rent cars on a limited or hourly basis and add flexibility to commuters. Many users have praised Car2Go as the easiest and most affordable option and will miss what the service has to offer.

Source: CBC


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