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Location sharing on Snapchat is easier with Snap Maps update

If you still use Snapchat to communicate with friends, you’ll appreciate what Snap has done with the Snap Maps feature. This feature, which by default is turned off for sharing for everyone, can now be shared on an individual basis. This means you can request a location or share yours with specific people in Chat. All you need to do is look for your friend’s name and you’ll find the options to do either there. This will let both of you appear on each other’s Snap Maps. An important note is this only works with bi-directional friends so you can’t request or share your location with a celebrity or influencer you follow.

If you want to remove a friend’s access to your location, you can do so any time within Chat or through Snap Maps. And if a user shared their location but hasn’t opened the map in eight hours, they will disappear from the map. And if you want to disappear yourself, you can just enter Ghost Mode (which sets your location to private).

Source: Mashable

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