Jurassic World Alive game brings dinosaurs to AR

Think of it as Pokemon Go except that instead of fluffy cartoonish monsters the stars of the experience are dinosaurs. Jurassic World Alive recreates the thrill and excitement of dealing with escaped (and highly evolved) dinosaurs thrashing around in the world around you.
The objective of the game is to hunt down dinosaurs in order to extract their DNA, bringing players face to face with these behemoths. The graphics are decent considering this is designed for smartphones and tablets.
Gameplay and dynamics promise to be extensive. You can evolve dinosaurs, cross-breed (?) them, amass a collection and eventually you can battle with other player's dinosaurs. Arriving in time to be carried by the hype of the new Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom movie, Jurassic World Alive puts the power of AR in the hands of iOS and Android users.
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