Facebook bundles its ‘On This Day’ updates into new Memories section

Facebook is hoping its new feature will get users to share more personal posts on its site. Called Memories, it revamps the “On This Day” feature a bit and adds some new (or should we say old) stuff into the mix. Aside from On This Day, the section also shows you the friends you’ve made on that day, seasonal or monthly recaps of your memories, and “memories you may have missed” (if you don’t check this section regularly). People who like looking fondly at their past might love this new feature but of course not all memories are pleasant and some might think this could just unearth some horrible past events. If you’re the latter, then it’s best to stay away.
You can access the Memories section on the desktop on the left-hand side menu. Meanwhile, in mobile you can access this through the “More” menu. These throwbacks are also accessible through facebook.com/memories.

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