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Apple reveals macOS Mojave with Dark Mode

Mac OS users got some good news at WWDC today. No, it wasn’t about the butterfly keyboard on the MacBook Pros, which were apparently not an item of discussion, but it focused on the latest version of macOS Mojave.

Staying true to the naming convention pertaining to Californian locations, macOS Mojave will ship this fall and has Dark Mode as its biggest feature. What is Dark Mode you ask? It is basically a visual theme that converts the windows and icons of various apps into a darker shade for better contrast. It’s a feature iOS users have long wanted on the iPhone. Various apps like Twitter and Ulysses come with Dark Mode options, it is preferred for reading at night and in dim conditions.

Aside from Dark Mode, Apple is adding apps from iOS like News, Stocks, Voice Memos and Home to the Mac. Facetime group calling also works on Macs. Apple has also renovated the Mac App Store. A new camera continuity feature allows iPhones to take photos which appear on a Mac instantly. macOS Mojave is coming in the fall to Macs introduced in mid-2012 or later.

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