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Google Assistant music controls migrates out of Google Home, brings rewinding and forwarding to other devices

You may or may not be familiar with this feature but if you ask Google Assistant to control music on your Google Home, you can ask it to rewind or forward into specific parts of a song. (For example, “Rewind 45 seconds…”) That feature used to only be available on Google’s Home platform, but Google has finally brought this feature to its other platforms, including Android phones and tablets, Chromebooks, Android TV, and even Android Auto.

There are still things Google needs to finetune for this, though. As pointed out in Android Central’s story, Google Assistant has trouble recognizing a voice command when playing music on said device and won’t thus respond to the media command. App support is still a bit limited, too. Here’s to hoping Google develops this further to make handsfree media commands that much easier to use and more accessible to more users.

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