Nintendo Switch will get ‘Diablo 3’

It’s official. Diablo 3: Eternal Collection is coming to the Nintendo Switch. Blizzard Entertainment announced that this game, which comes with the Reaper of Souls and Rise of the Necromancer add-ons, will be available later this year for US$59.99 (almost CA$80). The game will come with a number of Nintendo-exclusive items, which will be unlocked from the start. These items are based on The Legend of Zelda and include a Ganondorf-inspired cosmetic armor, Triforce character portrait frame, Cucco pet (the chickens of The Legend of Zelda franchise), and a pair of Majora’s Mask-inspired wings.
Diablo 3 on the Switch brings the game experience to the console. You can play solo or in groups of up to four players online or via local wireless multiplayer modes. Up to four people can play on a single Switch console. The game will have everything from a full campaign, replayable Adventure mode, themed seasons, and seven character classes.
Source: Polygon
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