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Apple’s latest acquisition suggests company is working on AR headset

Will this new acquisition benefit Apple ARKit or prepare us for an enitrely different product line?

Apple has yet to confirm or deny that it’s been developing an augmented reality headset but the newest startup it’s acquired might suggest that is in the works. Apple just bought Colorado-based Akonia Holographics, a company that develops lenses for augmented reality glasses. As usual, the company is keeping mum about what it plans to do with the company. Akonia though specializes in what it calls HoloMirror technology, which allows for the development of “thin, transparent smart glass lenses that display vibrant, full-color, wide field-of-view images.” The company also has 200 patents on holographic systems and materials.

As Reuters points out, Apple has bought smaller companies before to make use of the technologies for their devices. Perhaps this could appear in existing products—or as what’s being rumoured, it could appear in an AR-based product. Apple CEO Tim Cook has previously admitted that the company sees a future in AR. He said during a 2017 earnings call, “We are high on AR for the long run. We think there are great things for customers and a great commercial opportunity.”

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