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Here’s how much space ‘Assassin’s Creed Odyssey’ will take up on the Xbox One

With Assassin’s Creed Odyssey all set to launch next month (on October 5th, to be exact), we learn more important details about the game. Like how much space is it going to take up once it launches. Microsoft has officially listed the game for pre-load on Xbox Live—which you can pre-order here—and the download clocks in at 45GB. Comicbook.com points out this is roughly the same amount of space that Origins took up when it launched digitally and physically last year. It must be noted, though, that this is just the base game and may not include any updates or extra downloadable content (like Assassin’s Creed III Remastered and Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation). This could also be the same size PlayStation 4 users can expect the game to take up.

As for PC users, Ubisoft hasn’t finalized the specs yet but we should hear more before the game launches on Uplay in October. It’s a rather expansive game so it doesn’t come as a surprise that it requires that much space. From previews of the game it seems to be worth all that space and more.

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