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Musi.sh lets you use Apple Music on the web

If you’re an Apple Music user, you’re probably heavily reliant on your phone to play music or have been forced to use iTunes when you’re on a computer. Now, if you wanted a web option, unfortunately that didn’t exist until now. Musi.sh is a new project that brings Apple music onto your web browser—for free. The site mostly echoes Apple Music design language and functionality, so there’s no learning curve here. This open-source project began with Apple Music-loving developers Filip Grebowski, Brychan Bennett-Odlum Raphael Vigee, and James Jarvis, who all wanted a way to use the service without draining their phones’ batteries. The team used Apple’s MusicKit and made the prototype at a 12-hour GitHub-sponsored hackathon. The team won with the project.

Right now, what’s missing is the Radio feature, because MusicKit currently doesn’t support radio stations through Apple Music. If you want to give it a try though, you can through this link. If you want to contribute to the project, you can through its GitHub page.

Source: The Next Web

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