My Shaw app lets you restart modems, refresh TV channels

My Shaw app adds two new features to help troubleshoot your modem and TV quickly. The app will let you refresh your TV channels and restart your modem with a tap of a button. To update your channels, head to the TV section, select Manage TV & BlueCurve TV App Devices. Head to Troubleshoot and tap Refresh to start the process. It should take around 10 minutes.
As for your modem, head to the Home tab and then under your Internet plan, find Manage Internet. Head to Troubleshoot and go into the Restart my modem section and select Restart. The process will also take around 10 minutes, and your phone line won't be useable during this time. You can request a modem restart at least once an hour. The feature is coming to both My Shaw's iOS and Android apps.
Source: iPhone in Canada

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