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Adobe Photoshop for iPad officially launches in Canada

After a long wait, Adobe Photoshop for the iPad is now available. It doesn't offer the full suite of editing tools you can expect on the computer. For now, you can edit and manipulate multiple layers, access Cloud PSD files, use layer masks, among others. According to the company's blog post about the release, "Over time, we'll add more capabilities and workflows as we learn more about how customers use Photoshop on a mobile device." So, if there are features you want, it might be best to keep using it. Adobe is also introducing a new section on its forums to help familiarize yourself with the app as well as solve any issues you have.

The app is built on the same codebase as the desktop app, so it won't be farfetched if it got the same features as the main Photoshop app. You can try it out for free for seven days, but you will need a Photoshop subscription to use it for more than a week.

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