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Samsung takes the wraps off the Galaxy Fold


At Samsung's Unpacked event, the company started it off with a bang by sharing more details about its foldable device. Officially called the Galaxy Fold, this smartphone/tablet comes with a 7.3-inch Infinity Flex Display with a 1,536 x 2,152 resolution and a smaller 4.6-inch display with an 840 x 1,960 resolution when folded. It uses a sturdy hinge system with multiple interlocking gears to make sure it doesn't wear out that easily. And you'd definitely want to make sure you get the most out of this device. It has a starting price of US$1,980 (around CA$2,600).

The Galaxy Fold runs on a 7nm processor, 12GB of RAM, 512GB Universal Flash Storage 3.0, and two batteries that total to 4,380mAh. This device allows for better multi-tasking. In tablet mode, it can run three apps at once. So, you can do things like watch YouTube videos, message someone on WhatsApp, and browse the web all at once.

There's also an app continuity system that lets you move from the smaller smartphone display to the larger tablet display. One demo shown was using Google Maps on the smaller display and then opening up the device to see more of the map in tablet mode.

Samsung partnered with Google to make sure Android fully supports this new form factor. Apps like WhatsApp, Microsoft Office, and YouTube have been optimized to support this device's different modes.

It comes with a six-camera system with three cameras at the back, two on the inside, and one in front, making sure you have a camera on hand, no matter what mode you're in.

The Galaxy Fold will come in Cosmos Black, Space Silver, Martian Green, and Astro Blue. There will be LTE and 5G versions of this device. And it'll launch on April 26th.

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